MicahTek Website Hosting

MicahTek Internet services include hosting your Website on state of the art servers capable of handling large volumes of hits into your Website.

MicahTek's team of computer professionals monitor Internet traffic reports and respond accordingly before visitors to your site experience lengthy response delays.

MicahTek's clients who host their customer and member Databases on MicahTek's servers may generate Web pages that integrate into the Database.  Through this exciting connectivity unlimited functionality may be offered to your customers and members (Refer to Realtime Solutions).

Clients customer and members email addresses may be hosted on MicahTek's computer email list server.  Fresh messages and regular outgoing emails may be transmitted as desired.

Important features of our Internet servers include:

Bandwidth: MicahTek uses T-3 bandwidth technology. Through careful and consistent traffic monitoring MicahTek's computer and telecommunications switch is easily upgradeable. MicahTek has committed to support only Websites healthy to family values and un-offensive in content or viewing.

Security: MicahTek is committed to taking full advantage of only the finest Internet security available, both from a hardware and software standpoint.  Firewalls protect your valuable Database information from outside forces.  Customers, only when armed with their account number and secured PIN number may access their information from the Database (Refer to Realtime Solutions).

Email Hosting and Regular Outgoing Emails: MicahTek will store and maintain your customer and members email addresses using state of the art Email maintenance software.  Secured password protected access is granted so regular email updates and transmissions are manageable through your home office.

E-commerce Transaction Processing: Credit card and checking account order processing are secured features offered by MicahTek.  These functions may dramatically enhance your Website and offer instant E-commerce transactional processing to your customers and members.  MicahTek uses only SSL secure servers for E-commerce transactions.

Database Integration: MicahTek's frontline servers will invoke commands through our internal firewalls into your customer and members valuable information to be displayed on your Website.  Our professional IS department will customize Web pages unique to your organization, but will connect to your database, offering critical services to your customers and members (Refer to Realtime Solutions).

CGI Scripting: If products are being sold on your Website, MicahTek's computer professionals will program and maintain shopping carts, order forms, and secure transmissions of credit card and check debiting information.

FTP Updates: MicahTek is available to maintain your Website but should you desire to personally maintain your Website and are familiar with HTML programming MicahTek offers secured access to make updates.

Software Monitoring: Tracking and monitoring software is available on all of our servers.  Recording Website hits and link information may be valuable in the future maintenance to your Website.  When utilizing MicahTek's data integration technology MicahTek will keep you informed of the performance results from your Website.